When I started writing MediCurious in July 2021, I optimistically thought I would be able to write 1 post a week (52 a year). Alas, after 3 years, I am not yet at 100.
Its midwinter and reflective season. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of the subscribers to MediCurious (old and new) and everyone who just reads the odd post. It is reassuring to know that other people find this stuff interesting as well (nice to know you aren’t the only one).
It has been a while since I have done a recap. I have reviewed all 94 posts and listed the most popular by number of views and by number of new subscriptions.
If you are bored this week, then why not catch up on what everyone else has been reading…
The Most Popular MediCurious Posts by Subscribers:
No 55 - The Best RCGP AKT Curriculum Revision Guide - Free to Download
No 27 - In 2022: Where is the best place in the world to be a doctor?
No 30 - Top 20 Countries for GP Quality of Life (GP-QOL) - As determined by the Big Mac Index
No 86: Crisis Point - In 2 months thousands of GPs could be unemployed
The Most Popular MediCurious Posts by Views:
No 92: GP Training Ranking. Does this help you choose where to training?
No 27 - In 2022: Where is the best place in the world to be a doctor?
No 30 - Top 20 Countries for GP Quality of Life (GP-QOL) - As determined by the Big Mac Index
No 93: Do you work hard enough as a GP Registrar? Survey Results from the West Midlands
No 41 - How does someone become the "best doctor in the world"?
No 25 - Does your medical school make you a better doctor? And what is a good doctor anyway?
No 16 - How many different types of patients walk through your ED or GP front door?
No- 79: Teaching Students How to Maximise the Impact of Their Academic Careers
No 57: The Best websites to have saved in your bookmarks for GP and AKT
I’d say that is a good mix of topics: academic, exams and careers, plus the odd weird and wonderful. Its not surprising that the most read and shared articles are all about which region/ country is the best place to live, train and work.
I am really pleased to see that the recommendation lists for podcasts and books continue to do well.
Any topics that are obviously missing? Or any subjects that you would like a deep-dive on? Let me know in the comments.