Very good article. Very important topic. Do you think UK schools should have debate clubs like the US? I feel, that to debate is almost looked down upon in the UK as somehow rude. They key to debate is to be able to first ask yourself questions, when you understand all that you can, you must then ask other people those questions. Here, both geographically and temporally we dont like questions so much.
To be fair, some schools have debate clubs and debate lessons. They did in the schools I went to. But that depends on the individual teachers you are lucky enough to meet.
I do think you are right and more should be encouraged.
Very good article. Very important topic. Do you think UK schools should have debate clubs like the US? I feel, that to debate is almost looked down upon in the UK as somehow rude. They key to debate is to be able to first ask yourself questions, when you understand all that you can, you must then ask other people those questions. Here, both geographically and temporally we dont like questions so much.
To be fair, some schools have debate clubs and debate lessons. They did in the schools I went to. But that depends on the individual teachers you are lucky enough to meet.
I do think you are right and more should be encouraged.