No 97: A Love Letter to AccuRx and a Call to Action!
Please share user-made templates more widely.
As those of you who have read
before will know, I am a huge fan of @AccuRx.No 66 - My first love letter to AccuRx
I am not being paid by AccuRx (unless you want to, if so, please DM me), but it has made my life as a GP trainee so much easier.
I can communicate directly with my patients. I can share information. I could book appointments. I can schedule reviews. All at the click of a button and it is fantastic.
I can also create my own texts, my own templates and my own surveys. It also has a bank of very useful templates readymade.
However, there is one problem that I would love the people at AccuRx to read this and to sort out…
Why is there not an option to share a template globally for all users?
I am sure that some keen clinician in the UK has probably already turned every single survey, question set, risk stratication cool and diagnostic aid on MDCalc into an AccuRx template. However, because they can’t be shared globally, it means that people at every organisation are having to re-invent the wheel and re-create these tools locally.
(X-Grok Image - AI generated and clearly the actual software looks much better than this!)
For example, I have recently created an IPSS scoring tool for LUTS. I did this because a colleague said he had done it at a previous practice and was missing it. I had some spare time, so I made it.
But, how much easier would it be if AccuRx was able to just roll these out nationally and save everyone re-inventing the wheel?
So, that is my plea to you and my call to action. If you need someone to help with this then please do contact me and I will happily do it!
I have a dream… that one day. Any clinician, will be able to open a search bar and search for pre-made tools.
I have a dream, that objective questions can be sent to patients. Coded. Uploaded and documented in the records. So that any clinician can easily get the data they need.
I have a dream, that this will save time, improve patient care and improve data for research.
And this dream could easily become reality.
If you like this dream, then please share, like, comment and pass on to anyone you know at AccuRx or MDCalc. Thank you very much for reading!