How do you choose where to train as a GP?
For most people, I would imagine it is where you want to live. For some people, its to do with what hospital they want to work at, or for the specific rotations you want to try.
For some people, the quality of the post graduate training might persuade you to try one region rather than another.
In previous years there has been no data, easily available, that has allowed you to compare training in different regions. The GMC National Trainee Survey is now releasing their data in a more useful format.
I have taken the raw data and turned it into some simple rankings on “overall rating” and “local teaching” rating. As far as I am aware, this is the very first “national ranking” of GP training deaneries.
Ideally, I would want data on all of the local VTS regional training schemes but we don’t have that yet. Hopefully by next year we might be able to have more granular data.
Let me know what you think!
Average Overall Ranking for 2024
Well done to Scotland for toping the charts at No 1 for teaching and overall performance! Is it really the best deanery or it just has the happiest trainees? Who knows?
In the above table you will see that I have averaged the “overall mean” and the “teaching mean” to produce an average rating. You will also see that GP Registrars in GP placements are much happier than GPRs in secondary care placements. This is a theme across all of the measures. Who would have guessed?
Overall Ranking
Scotland, Northern Ireland and South West all battling for the podium finish!
Overall Teaching
The Theme continues Scottish GP Registrars in GP placements think they are getting the best teaching!
If you are an FY2 or post-foundation training doctor and you want to do GP training, then it is probably worth looking at some of the National Trainee Survey data.
Although, you won’t see rankings like this anywhere else!
I personally, want to collect more data on local VTS programmes and produce a similar ranking for all of them. Why?
I think that greater transparency will lead to an improvement in education for all trainees and it might help trainees select where they want to train. For example, if you live in Birmingham then there are about 6 different schemes all within a 1h commuting distance and you may well want to choose to train in a slightly different area if that scheme had a much higher rating or had feedback that was more to you liking. Anyway, this is something for a future project.
What do you think? Useful to know?
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