“Pain is certain, suffering is optional” Buddhist saying
I was hoping to write a blog reflecting on my recent battle with sciatica, drawing together some stats, links and philosophy into a nice tidy flowing article. Instead, I have had to settle for a collection of ideas around chronic pain. I am hoping that some of them spark some thoughts, and maybe a dark humoured chuckle. I am hoping they spark something that I can come back to later!
Today has been a glorious day. It has been the first day in 5 months that I have not woken up with a sharp, burning stabbing pain shooting down my right glute and leg. I’ve had this annoying pain every day since I folded up like a deck chair underneath a squat bar in May.
During these months, I have had plenty of time to reflect on the nature of acute and chronic pain, DOMS, MSK pain and nerve pain.
As you may know by now, I love numbers and stats. It has been a long time since I have looked up epidemiology of pain. So, I thought I’d look them up and share them with you. It may surprise you.
The NICE CKS page on chronic page quotes that between 20 and 50% of the population of the UK have some form of chronic pain. They also quote that between 10 and 14% of the population have disabling severe chronic pain. The most common chronic pain is back pain and sciatica. And the good news is, it only gets more common with age!
Chronic pain is probably more common than you realise.
Pain is subjective.
Not everyone suffers to the same degree.
The body has a miraculous ability to heal, but not everyone does.
Your believe, attitude and expectation can change how well you heal.
Not all rehab and not all medications work for everyone.
Sometimes, it is worth experimenting with the wilder, quackier stuff you find online. Everyone is different and only by trying different things can you find what works for you.
Some people need stretching, some need strengthening, some need surgery. Some people like the cold, others like the heat. Some patients like ibuprofen and some benefit from tramadol.
I think my main message today is to try and maintain a positive attitude and believe that you will recover. It may take longer than you expected and much longer than you would like, but persevering and continuing to “do things” will always lead to a better outcome than loosing faith and giving up on movement.
And some people just need 3000 year old quotes:
“When pain is unbearable it destroys us; when it does not it is bearable.”
Being a clinician who has suffered some pretty bad injuries over the years. I hope these experiences have made me better at my job. More understanding, more sympathetic and hopefully a better understanding of what really helps different individuals.
“I have a really high pain threshold” and “I don’t normally need pain killers” - If you are ever tempted to say this, then please don’t. Just tell me that you are in pain and need help. We will give you what we can to help with your acute pain, and then hopefully we will help you find a strategy that stops you developing chronic pain.
If you have any other good quotes, memes, reels, tips or suggestions then please let me know in the comments.