No 66: AccuRx Timesaving Tips and Templates
TL:DR - A brief summary of what AccuRx is, why I love it and some templates I think it would be useful to copy.
If you work in Primary Care and don’t know what AccuRx is? Then you need to read this!
If you are already a convert then skip ahead to the templates below….
What is AccuRx? - AccuRx is software that lets healthcare staff send text messages to patients. It is that simple.
But it is genius! I have only been using it since Aug 2022 and I can’t imagine going back to a practice that doesn’t have it now.
Every message is saved to the EHR so there is a medico-legal record of all communication. You can message the patient and they can respond and its all recorded. Easy.
What can you do with AccuRx?
Communicate easily about everything
Send blood test results
Book appointments
Discuss follow up
Send photos
Send feedback surveys, or QI project surveys or research questionairres
Do almost everything you can do in a consultation but via a text
Make sure all of the medico-legal red flag safety netting is recorded for you and the patient
Send patient information leaflets, youtube videos, useful websites and paperforms to fill in
And probably, so much more that I haven’t listed
Most importantly, you can use AccuRx to save time! By creating templates for common issues and then rather than having to type them or read them out everytime you can just text it to the patient to read later.
Templates you can copy
I have created the following templates either from scratch or by copying some ideas from other people. These were the first few I created and use almost everyday because they cover common issues that I want recorded in the record and it is important for patients to know - Red Flags!
If you have any favourite templates or ideas that you would like to share then please leave a comment:
Back Pain Safety Netting
See the following leaflet for information from Keele University to help you manage your back pain.
Please read the section on "Serious spinal pathology (red flags)" and if you are concerned that you have developed one of these symptoms of Cauda Equina (CE) then call us back or go to ED:
SNOMED code (optional)
Patient given information
Child Red Flags Sepsis Advice
Please see the below advice about what symptoms to look out for if you/ or your child are not improving.
RCGP Leaflet on Respiratory Infections:
Sepsis Symptoms Leaflet for Children:
SNOMED code (optional)
Patient given information
Pre-Diabetes UK - T2DM new diagnosis
Your HbA1c is:
The FREE "Healthier You" service is available to you. It is an NHS Type 2 Diabetes prevention Programme (XaeDH).
Please register online
Diabetes UK also has lots of useful advice:
SNOMED code (optional)
NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme invitation
Asthma - inhaler technique, Peak flow
Here's some advice on how to use your inhaler properly:
How to use a spacer:
How to use a peak flow:
Peak flow diary:
SNOMED code (optional)
Provision of written information on inhaler technique
Patient Feedback - AccuRx Online Triage Service
Thank you for using our new online admin request feature on the practice website within the last 3 months. We would like to evaluate if this service is working for our patients. Could you please take 1 minute to give us your feedback on the service and whether you think it should continue? Please use this link: All replies will be confidential and anonymous.
SNOMED code (optional)
Administration note
Sharps Bin Birmingham Clinical Waste Collection
If you have been given a sharps bin for clinical waste then please register with the council to arrange for them to collect it, when it is full:
SNOMED code (optional)
Provision of written information
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