No 61: Silly questions that need an answer
Something a little different, a thread from Twitter. A list of silly questions that most people would think are too simple to ask, but are not that easy to answer. Can you answer any of these?

Silly medical questions, a thread...
Does anyone know the answers?
#MedTwitter #medicine #MedEd #MediCurious #sillyquestions

First, #sillyquestion
Piles bleed and are covered in faeces and E.Coli... why don't they get infected and causes sepsis more often? Is IgA really that good?
#MedTwitter #medicine #Medicurious

Why don't we do more RCTs in #GP ?
E.g what is better for strep A in the community?
Pen V
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter

Why don't we randomise every patient in #GP ?
We could randomise...
Watch and wait times
Length of Abx courses
Physio referrals
USS requests
LFTs as a screening "routine blood" or not?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter #TeamGP #MediCurious

How many books does a fully CCT doctor read a year compared to...
A pre-med student
A medical student
A junior doctor
Does it correlate? Is it a sigma curve? Does it matter?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter #MediCurious #BookTwitter

Does the Bolam and Bolitho test principle still apply in court?
And if so, wouldn't it be useful to know that a group of your colleagues are doing the same as you?
If you are an outlier, should that be allowed? What if you are actually right?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter

Why isn't the first thing taught in medical school BLS and the A2E approach?
Day 1, lesson 1
#MedTwitter #MedEd #medicine #MedicalStudents #MediCurious

Are UK GPs almost unique in the world for being expected to perform gold standard medicine in a system that has huge delays, and therefore means that GPs have to hold and balance risk far more than any other clinician?
#sillyquestion #TeamGP #MedTwitter

How many doctors will "retire" this year because of the pension cap tax ?
Can you expext the workforce to take on more shifts if that means they get penalty taxation?
Does thus affect the back log?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter #MediCurious

Why aren't more clinicians using fasting more often to help treat chronic diseases?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter #Fast800 #fasting #Diet #lifestyle

Had anyone done an RCT of Medical staff to see if taking extra Vit D reduces their days off with URTI/Flu/Covid/ the lurgy?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter #MediCurious #vitaminD

Is there one book that "every doctor should read"? If so, what?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter #BookTwitter #BookRecommendations #bookreview #MediCurious

Why can't we just ask @Google to create an Electronic Health Record?
Surely they already no almost everything about us, and I'm sure they could build an easy system for primary care and secondary care to use at the same time?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter #MediCurious

Why is medical school still 5 years?
People barely had smart phones when I started med school, are you telling me we really can't do it any faster now?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter #MedEd #MediCurious

Is someone working on a quick PCR or LFT to let us know if the patients has a common cold in GP?
Surely it can't be that hard to have an antigen for COVID/Flu/RSV/Rhinovirus etc on one strip?
#MedTwitter #medicine #MediCurious #innovation

Should junior doctors be able to pay to go on "extra courses" that then means they could skip a year of training?
Or could training be adapted so it's competency based rather than time limited?
#sillyquestion #MedTwitter #MedEd #medicine #MediCurious