No 59 - A Decade's Worth of Unpaid Work
Its that time of year, time for reflection.
I recently read a Newsletter by
and about his last year and it was impressive! It inspired me to reflect on what I have written in the last year, and then I thought, to even come close to his productivity I would probably have to compare my last decade to his last year.I also, applied for a role recently that required a CV. Having to update the CV was a massive faf because I hadn’t looked at it in years! My training pathway just hasn’t required any additional work or a CV. My CV has been as useful as a chocolate teapot.
I realised that so much of the work that I had written over the last decade, I had either forgotten about, or lost or not referenced properly. So, having a list in one place might be useful!
There are roughly 180-ish pieces of work listed below, including all of my papers, posters, publications and blogs posts. Some of them I am quite proud of, and will probably list or re-hash on this newsletter at a later date.
Without further ado, here is my list of a decade’s worth of extra-curricular work, that no one paid me for, no one really cares about and has been of no use in climbing the career ladder. But I enjoyed writing it anyway…
1. Academic Publications – Individual Author –
3. Matthews, Jacob, Shivam Bhanderi, Harriet Mitchell, John Whiting, Ravinder Vohra, James Hodson, and Ewen Griffiths. “Diaphragmatic Herniation Following Esophagogastric Resectional Surgery: An Increasing Problem with Minimally Invasive Techniques?” Surgical Endoscopy, April 22, 2016, 1–9. doi:10.1007/s00464-016-4899-5.
4. Matthews, Jacob H., Shivam Bhanderi, Stephen J. Chapman, Dmitri Nepogodiev, Thomas Pinkney, and Aneel Bhangu. “Underreporting of Secondary Endpoints in Randomized Trials: Cross-Sectional, Observational Study.” Annals of Surgery, January 2016, 1. doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000001573.
5. Matthews, Jacob H, Gabriella L Morley, Eleanor Crossley, and Shivam Bhanderi. “Teaching Leadership: The Medical Student Society Model.” The Clinical Teacher, n.d., n/a-n/a. doi:10.1111/tct.12649.
6. J Matthews, S Surey, LM Grover, A Logan, Z Ahmed. “Thermosensitive collagen/fibrinogen gels loaded with decorin suppress lesion site cavitation and promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury” Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-20. 2021
7. JH Matthews, H Taylor, DA Ross. “Advice on how to navigate the MODREC process for junior researchers in the Defence Medical Services” BMJ Military Health 165 (4). 2020
8. Matthews JH, Makin S, Booker RJ, et al. “The History of the Post-Graduate Medical and Nursing Officers (PGMNO) course in the British Army.” BMJ Mil Health Published Online First: 25 July 2022. doi: 10.1136/military-2022-002093
9. Morley, G. L., J. H. Matthews, I. Verpetinske, and G. A. Thom. “A Comparative Study Examining the Management of Bowen’s Disease in the United Kingdom and Australia.” Dermatology Research and Practice 2015 (September 9, 2015): e421460. doi:10.1155/2015/421460.
10. Jefferies, Richard, Ibrahim H.N. Sheriff, Jacob H. Matthews, Olivia Jagger, Sarah Curtis, Peter Lees, Peter C. Spurgeon, et al. “Leadership and Management in UK Medical School Curricula.” Journal of Health Organization and Management 30, no. 7 (October 10, 2016): 1081–1104. doi:10.1108/JHOM-03-2016-0042.
11. K Patel, F Hadian, A Ali, G Broadley, K Evans, C Horder, M Johnstone, J Matthews. “Postoperative pulmonary complications following major elective abdominal surgery: a cohort study”. Perioperative Medicine 5 (1), 1-7. 2016
12. M Alam, S Bhanderi, JH Matthews, D McNulty, D Pagano, P Small. “Mortality related to primary bariatric surgery in England”. BJS open 1 (4), 122-127. 2017
13. S Bhanderi, M Alam, JH Matthews, G Rudge, H Noble, D Mahon. “Influence of social deprivation on provision of bariatric surgery: 10-year comparative ecological study between two UK specialist centres” BMJ open 7 (10), e015453. 2017
14. V Dewan, A Gardner, S Forster, J Matthews, MN Ede, J Mehta, J Spilsbury.“Is the routine use of magnetic resonance imaging indicated in patients with scoliosis?” Journal of Spine Surgery 4 (3), 575. 2018
15. E Crossley, S Bhanderi, G Morley, J Court, H Knox and J Matthews. “How Do You Engage Students and Doctors in Medical Leadership and Management?” Papers from the Education Doctoral Research Conference, University of Birmingham; 2014: p35. ISBN 9780704428560
16. Clinical Skills for OSCEs 5th Edition, Scion Publishing. ISBN 978 1 907904 66 0 – Communication Chapter Author
Academic Publications – Collaborator Author
18. RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative. “Evaluation of appendicitis risk prediction models in adults with suspected appendicitis”. Br J Surg 107 (1), 73-86. 2020
19. RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative. “Appendicitis risk prediction models in children presenting with right iliac fossa pain (RIFT study): a prospective, multicentre validation study”. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 4 (4), 271-280. 2020
20. RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative. “Right Iliac Fossa Pain Treatment (RIFT) Study: protocol for an international, multicentre, prospective observational study” BMJ open 8 (1), e017574. 2018
21. JH Matthews, D Nepogodiev, A Bhangu. “Author response to: Comment on: Evaluation of appendicitis risk prediction models in adults with suspected appendicitis”. Journal of British Surgery 107 (7), e206-e206. 2020
22. STARSurg Collaborative. “Students’ Participation in Collaborative Research Should Be Recognised.” International Journal of Surgery 39 (March 2017): 234–37. doi:10.1016/j.ijsu.2017.01.114.
23. STARSurg Collaborative. “Multicentre Prospective Cohort Study of Body Mass Index and Postoperative Complications Following Gastrointestinal Surgery.” British Journal of Surgery 103, no. 9 (August 2016): 1157–72. doi:10.1002/bjs.10203.
24. STARSurg Collaborative. “Impact of postoperative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on adverse events after gastrointestinal surgery”. Journal of British Surgery 101 (11), 1413-1423. 2014
25. STARSurg Collaborative. “Prognostic model to predict postoperative acute kidney injury in patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery based on a national prospective observational cohort study”. BJS open 2 (6), 400-410. 2018
26. STARSurg Collaborative. Association between peri-operative angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-2 receptor blockers and acute kidney injury in major elective non-cardiac surgery: a multicentre, prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia, 73: 1214-1222.
27. STARSurg Collaborative, Perioperative intravenous contrast administration and the incidence of acute kidney injury after major gastrointestinal surgery: prospective, multicentre cohort study, British Journal of Surgery, Volume 107, Issue 8, July 2020, Pages 1023–1032,
29. National Research Collaborative Meeting, Royal College of Surgeons, November 2016.
30. Association of Coloproctocology in Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI), July 2016.
31. West Midlands Surgical Society, November 2016
32. Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) National Conference, February 2015
33. ESCP Conference, Barcelona, 2014
34. Digestive Disorders Week Conference, London, 2015
35. Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) Midlands and Military regional conference 2014
36. Birmingham National Student Academic Medicine Conference, November 2014
37. Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Conference, October 2014.
38. The Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) Annual Scientific Meeting, July 2014.
39. ASGBI International Surgical Congress, Harrogate, May 2014
40. BOMMS 5th Annual Scientific Meeting, Leamington Spa. January 2014
Presentations and Posters
42. West Midlands Research Collaborative. Right Iliac Fossa Pain Treatment Study. Oral presentation. National Research Collaborative Meeting, Royal College of Surgeons, November 2016, and the West Midlands Surgical Society, November 2016.
43. Evaluation of medical leadership and management content on the undergraduate curricula at medical school across the United Kingdom. Poster - FMLM National Conference, Manchester, Feb 2015 – Winner of Poster Prize
44. BMLS How do a cohort of final year medical students perceive compulsory MLM teaching?: a pilot study. Poster - AMEE Glasgow 2015
45. Expanding Student Medical Leadership and Management Societies: A National Survey, J Matthews, D Fountain, I Sheriff, S Curtis. Poster - FMLM MSG FMLM National Conference, Manchester, Feb 2015
46. Medical Leadership and Management: Increasing Engagement and Knowledge, Using a Student Society Model. Oral Presentation - Birmingham National Student Academic Medicine Conference, November 2014; and also presented at Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) National Conference, February 2015.
47. A successful second year of extra-curricular MLM education. Poster - FMLM National Conference, Manchester, Feb 2015
48. The use of social media to engage students and clinicians in medical leadership and management. Poster - FMLM National Conference, Manchester, Feb 2015
49. Quality Improvement Project of Student Feedback to Academic Representatives in the Clinical Years. Poster - FMLM National Conference, Manchester, Feb 2015
50. An Audit of Audit Teaching. Poster - FMLM Midlands and Military Conference, Oct-14/ BAMSOC National Student Academic Medicine Conference, Nov-14
51. Innovating Ways of Engaging Students and Doctors in Medical Leadership and Management. Poster - FMLM Midlands and Military Conference, Oct-14/ BAMSOC National Student Academic Medicine Conference, Nov-14
52. Major Trauma Team briefing and debriefing behaviour at 2 Centres: A missed opportunity for service improvement. Poster - FMLM Midlands and Military Conference, Oct-14/ BAMSOC National Student Academic Medicine Conference, Nov-14
53. Does the use of Pre-operative Dietetic-Led Specialist Lifestyle Management Groups Improve Outcome Post Gastric Band Surgery? - Poster - BOMMS 5th Annual Scientific Meeting, Leamington Spa. January 2014
54. A 10 year regional comparison between two major UK centres in the provision of bariatric surgery. Poster - ASGBI International Surgical Congress Harrogate, May 2014
55. Is the provision of bariatric surgery in the West Midlands a post code lottery? Poster - ASGBI International Surgical Congress Harrogate, May 2014
56. Provision of bariatric surgery with regards to socio-economic deprivation in the West Midlands. Oral Presentation - ASGBI International Surgical Congress Harrogate, 2014
57. Adequacy of secondary versus primary assessment of surgical site infection in randomised controlled trials. Oral presentation. ASGBI International Surgical Congress in Harrogate, May 2014, and ESCP, Barcelona 2014
58. Learning to lead: can a student society have a positive influence on medical student career ambitions in medical leadership? Oral Presentation - ASME Annual Scientific Meeting Brighton, July 2014,
Blog Posts
60. No 58: The 12 Medical Gifts of Christmas Special Edition
61. No 57: The Best websites to have saved in your bookmarks for GP and AKT
63. No 55 - The Best RCGP AKT Curriculum Revision Guide - Free to Download
64. No 54: 5 Life-Hacks for Becoming a Doctor
65. No 53: Throwing - An Introduction for New Athletes and Coaches
66. No 52 - The History and Summary of Anti-Depressants
67. No 51 - Statins - all you need to know
68. No 50 - MediCurious tips on how to pass exams and stay interested in medicine!
69. No 49: Hypertension, Blood Pressure and living longer - Everything you ever wanted to know
70. No 48 - What can we do to live longer? A summary of longevity strategies
71. No 47 - The Big Business of Obesity: A Summary of weight loss medications
72. No 46 - Diabetes: A deep dive into the history of diagnosis and treatment
73. No 45 - AKT Summary for T2DM QOF
74. No 44: Whats the difference between a Rugby Player, a Roidhead and an Athlete?
75. No 43: The list of InnovAiT AKT questions from 2008-2010
76. No 42- If you could get medical care anywhere in the world, where would you go?
77. No 41 - How does someone become the "best doctor in the world"?
78. No 40 - 20 Tips on Teaching for Junior Doctors
79. No 39 - Sharing O&G Survival Guide Tips
80. No 38: Factfulness by Hans Rosling - key points
81. No 37 - My plan for learning the history of modern medications
82. No 36 - Searching for the ideal history of EBM and medications
83. No 35: The Top 5 Books That Everyone in Healthcare Should Read
84. No 32: The Top 21 Podcasts for Military Clinicians
85. No 31 - What have the Kardashians got in common with Twitter, Academic Medicine and my CV?
86. No 30 - Top 20 Countries for GP Quality of Life (GP-QOL) - As determined by the Big Mac Index
87. No 29 - One reason why GP's get a bad name in acute medicine
88. No 28 - Which country trains the best doctors?
89. No 27b - The Confirmed Top 10 Best Places to Work as a Doctor in 2022
90. No 27 - In 2022: Where is the best place in the world to be a doctor?
91. No 26 - Unexpected outcomes drive improvement in healthcare
92. No 25 - Does your medical school make you a better doctor? And what is a good doctor anyway?
93. No 24 - Basic Thoughts on Basic Paeds Gastroenterology
94. No 23 - Teaching a systematic approach to the "Wheezy Child"
95. No 22: A Global Health Challenge: why does everyone treat everything differently?
96. No 21 - Predictions for 2022
97. No 20 - Dystopian Escapism - a reading list
98. No 19 - An Ode to C.O.W.s: a cheap force-multiplier to improve NHS IT and efficiency
99. No. 18 - Common problems with Trust Inductions and moving trusts - surely these can be solved?
100. No 17. - What is a root-cause of the problems with the NHS in 2021? A Black Swan?
101. No 16 - How many different types of patients walk through your ED or GP front door?
102.No 15 - My medical career goals - following the self help books advice
103. No 14 - Chest Pain: can we teach it better?
104. No 13 - The Best Medical Podcasts of 2021
105. No 12 - The cost of doing bloods
106. No 11 - Stop MOANing about MIs and ACT
107. No 10 - The COVID Survival Plan
108. No. 8 - There are only 3 ways to learn medicine
109. No - 7 The Fatuous History of Fat Shaming
111. No 4- How many Guidelines or God-lines do you need to know as a GP?
112. No 2- Learning Medicine AFAP (As Fast As Possible)
113. No 1- What is this Substack column about? And why should you read it?
161. = Clothes and ironing
162. = Stationary
163. = Storage, exercise kit, cleaning kit, polishing kit, keen extras
164. = books
181. T minus 6 days and counting
183.The longest day: travelling to the new world. Bham to Schiphol to Dulles to Petworth