No 55 - The Best RCGP AKT Curriculum Revision Guide - Free to Download
The RCGP AKT Curriculum - Summarised by Dr Marcus Clark (@m-ag-cl)
The AKT for GP trainees is a MCQ exam covering most of medicine. It is the major hurdle that trainees need to jump to become a qualified GP.
Marcus is a good mate of mine and a great doctor. He is also a very diligent student and altruistic chap. He put in the tedious hours summarising the curriculum into one easy to use document.
Download it from the link above.
Save it to your google drive.
Open it every day on your home computer and work computer.
Sort all the topics into Red, Amber, Green
Pick one Red topic a day to look up, until you have moved all of these topics into the Amber or Green lists.
Then move onto the Amber topics.
You can use this list to organise GPVTS tutorial time, for Clinical Supervisor Tutorial time, for personal study, for group study and for picking subjects to reflect on.
If you think this guide is useful then please pass it on! Share it widely.
If you say Marcus out and about or on instagram then please say thank you.
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