No 50 - MediCurious tips on how to pass exams and stay interested in medicine!
MediCurious has finally reached the half-century and to celebrate, I am just releasing a very quick summary of what we have covered so far. The full list of previous articles is at the bottom. If you want some useful tips for learning medicine prior to an exam, some recommendations on good stuff to listen to or read or just articles that spark your interestest then have a look at the lists below.
Revising for the exams (Finals/ MSRA/ AKT)
No 4- How many Guidelines or God-lines do you need to know as a GP?
No 16 - How many different types of patients walk through your ED or GP front door?
No 23 - Teaching a systematic approach to the "Wheezy Child"
No 46 - Diabetes: A deep dive into the history of diagnosis and treatment
No 49: Hypertension, Blood Pressure and living longer - Everything you ever wanted to know
No 35: The Top 5 Books That Everyone in Healthcare Should Read
No 27b - The Confirmed Top 10 Best Places to Work as a Doctor in 2022
No 36 - Searching for the ideal history of EBM and medications
No 41 - How does someone become the "best doctor in the world"?
No 41 - How does someone become the "best doctor in the world"?
MediCurious @ SubStack - The Full List
No 49: Hypertension, Blood Pressure and living longer - Everything you ever wanted to know
No 48 - What can we do to live longer? A summary of longevity strategies
No 47 - The Big Business of Obesity: A Summary of weight loss medications
No 46 - Diabetes: A deep dive into the history of diagnosis and treatment
No 44: Whats the difference between a Rugby Player, a Roidhead and an Athlete?
No 42- If you could get medical care anywhere in the world, where would you go?
No 41 - How does someone become the "best doctor in the world"?
No 37 - My plan for learning the history of modern medications
No 36 - Searching for the ideal history of EBM and medications
No 35: The Top 5 Books That Everyone in Healthcare Should Read
No 31 - What have the Kardashians got in common with Twitter, Academic Medicine and my CV?
No 30 - Top 20 Countries for GP Quality of Life (GP-QOL) - As determined by the Big Mac Index
No 29 - One reason why GP's get a bad name in acute medicine
No 27b - The Confirmed Top 10 Best Places to Work as a Doctor in 2022
No 27 - In 2022: Where is the best place in the world to be a doctor?
No 25 - Does your medical school make you a better doctor? And what is a good doctor anyway?
No 23 - Teaching a systematic approach to the "Wheezy Child"
No 22: A Global Health Challenge: why does everyone treat everything differently?
No 19 - An Ode to C.O.W.s: a cheap force-multiplier to improve NHS IT and efficiency
No. 18 - Common problems with Trust Inductions and moving trusts - surely these can be solved?
No 17. - What is a root-cause of the problems with the NHS in 2021? A Black Swan?
No 16 - How many different types of patients walk through your ED or GP front door?
No 15 - My medical career goals - following the self help books advice
No 4- How many Guidelines or God-lines do you need to know as a GP?
No 1- What is this Substack column about? And why should you read it?