No 20 - Dystopian Escapism - a reading list
It is nearly 2022 and the world is still in a COVID dystopia. So what better way to take your mind off work than to read some dystopian fiction?
I have always loved sci-fi and dystopian fiction in particular. It is actually one of the reasons that I choose to train to be a GP. My thinking went something like this, we don’t know what the future holds and there is a good chance that there might be a huge war or environmental disaster, and in that situation then a doctor with generic medical skills and some surival training would probably be the most useful to society. (And a doctor with generic skills might also prove valuable to whatever mafia boss or warlord is running the place and might choose to keep me alive!)
Anyway, I have recently just finished reading Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe by Niall Ferguson and by a lucky coincidence he has written an essay in this week’s Spectator: science-fiction-s-curious-ability-to-predict-the-future
Niall spent 2019 reading dystopian books and wrote this great essay. I have produced the following list based on his recommendations and added a few extra of my own. My plan is to work my way through these in between studying some medicine. Enjoy reading about the end of humanity!