No 13 - The Best Medical Podcasts of 2021
TLDR Summary
Listed below are 151 of the world’s most listened to medical podcasts of 2021. The top 50 are ranked according to what I like and would recommend. The remaining 101 are a bit random and based of a skim of their latest episodes.
If you would like to vote for your favourite medical podcast of 2021 then please vote here: Vote for your favourite medical podcast of 2021
If you think my lists is totally wrong or that I have missed out some absolutely essential podcasts then please let me know and I will update the list!
The whole point of this site is to produce short articles that are useful for people who want to learn more medicine. I originally thought it would be really easy to rank all of the medical podcasts out there … turns out it really isn’t easy.
This list also highlights that there is just too much medicine for one person to learn it all. There is no way that one clinician could listen to every podcast on this list. But if you want to use podcasts to help you keep up to date then you have plenty of choice.
The prize for the speciality with the most verbal diarrhoea and the most competition for listerners has got to go to “Emergency Medicine” and “PHEM”. Well done to all of the authors in this competitive field. They really are leading the way in bringing medical education into the 21st century.
No matter what speciality you are working in or are studying for, I hope you find something useful or interesting in this list. Good luck with your studies. If you do find this article useful then please share it with your colleagues and sign up for more updates.
The Top Medical Podcasts of 2021
The Zero to Finals Medical Revision Podcast – Dr Thomas Watchman
The RAGE Podcast - The Resuscitationist's Awesome Guide to Everything
Real Life Pharmacology - Pharmacology Education for Health Care Professionals
TOTAL EM Tools of the trade and academic learning in emergency medicine – Chip Lange
The Internet Book of Critical Care Podcast Adam Thomas & Josh Farkas
Anesthesia and Critical Care Reviews and Commentary (ACCRAC) Podcast
The Pharm So Hard Podcast: An Emergency Medicine and Hospital Pharmacy Podcast
Dragon Bytes Paediatric Podcast Dr Assim Javaid and Dr Stacey Harris
The Breach EM Research Bulletin - (only this low because it has stopped producing episodes)